Want to
partner with us?

Make eLearning courses available on learners’ preferred communication channels (i.e., web, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Zalo, etc.)

Upload existing eLearning courses on Kassai and make them available publicly and/or to a desired group of users, and benefit from built-in functionalities like user management, certifications, dashboards, and others

Complement in-person trainings with eLearning paths for refreshment sessions, Continuous Medical Education (CME), accreditations, and others

Create new eLearning courses using guided and standardized user-friendly instructional design approaches

Deploy interoperability with Digital Health solutions like Quality Assurance tools, DHIS2, and others

Support expansion and scalability of eLearning interventions

Contact us

Are you interested in partnering with us?

Get in touch at info@kassai.org